Secrets of fashion bangs - women's blog. Who is suitable thick bangs
- Who is suitable thick bangs
- Thick bangs: suitable makeup
- Laying thick bangs
- Features bangs
- Who is suitable thick bangs
- All about laying
- Bangs to the eyebrow line
- Thick bangs - how to do?
- What is thick bangs
- Haircuts variations
- Hairstyles
- element of hair, through which you can correct the flaws of the face. But with not the right choice she can spoil the look. Therefore it is important to know what type of person is suitable. thick bangs which can be long or short, as well as rounded or straight. In this case, the density of this element hairstyle is formed by a certain amount of a layer of hair, diverging from the crown. On the line of the eyebrows or in the middle of the forehead, it breaks off suddenly.
Who is suitable thick bangs
So who would fit thick bangs? Most often it is used in the formation of the image of brunettes and brown-haired women. It is not recommended for blondes to use it, since it is easy to get lost on the light shade hair. Thick bangs can visually reduce the face, so it is ideal for owners of a rectangular, elongated and oval face. But women with a broad face from this type of bangs would be better to abstain.
For owners of thin hair thick bangs - a great way to give hair volume and pomp. Using her hair on long hair, you can give your image of sexuality. To the bearers curly hair This element of hair can be made thick and oblique.
Thick bangs: suitable makeup
In the presence of thick bangs, make-up should be perfect, but not striking, as it attracts attention to the eyes of its wearer. In this case, the following makeup is suitable:
Clear eyebrow designation;
Laying thick bangs
After washing the head should be followed by drying the hair with a hair dryer. It is important to refrain from the natural drying of the hair, as this will make laying bangs more difficult.
For a hair dryer, it is necessary to pick up the nozzle “nozzle” and turn it on to high power. For styling thick bangs, a paddle-like flat brush is used, with the help of which the hair will be raised at the roots when a direct stream of air is directed at them. Hair moves to one side and dried, then to the other side and dried again.
Through the horizontal parting the bang is divided into two parts. The top layer is fixed with a barrette, and the bottom is to be laid using a medium-sized hair dryer and round brush. The outer top layer is laid in the same way. Further, with the help of a wave-like brush, the hair is smoothed in different directions.
There is also a way of laying thick bangs on its side. But if it is shorter than the level of the eyebrows, then it can be difficult to lay the hair accordingly.
The bangs very lively face. If you have never worn a bang and do not know how to style it, maybe it’s time to try
Long bangs
Long bangs - perhaps the sexiest bangs in the world! Firstly, because they can be laid in different ways, and secondly, they help to make eyes! You can close one eye with a bang - and this will make you mysterious!
Long oblique bangs fit Any face - it does not overload the small forehead, does not make the face wider.
Short and thin bangs
Short bangs - the usual stroke in short hair cut . Such bangs are perfect if you have a small boyish face. Short bangs pay attention to the eyes, so it makes sense to emphasize them!
Thick and heavy bangs
Such bangs make any face brighter and more noticeable, but not for everyone, as it visually reduces the face. If you have an elongated face, try this type of bang!
If your face is wide and you really want a thick and heavy bang, give it an unusual shape, but in no case do not make a straight bang!
And one more thing: a thick and heavy fringe draws attention to the center of the face, that is, to the nose, to the cheeks, to the area under the eyes. If all this is in your imperfect state, think twice before cutting off the bang!
Hairline and hair texture
Straight hair allows you to do almost any bangs.
Curly hair is very difficult to style, let alone a bang in general is a special conversation. You can cut off a long bang, long to lay it, but not the fact that all this beauty will live until the evening. Exit can be a hair straightening in the salon. If you do not want to straighten your hair, your option is light, rare bangs middle length to eyebrows. Such a bang is unlikely to curl if the weather is wet.
Bangs and hair length
If your hair is short, you can say with confidence that a short and thin bang will look more organic than thick and long.
If the hair is long or medium length, you can experiment! Still, stylists believe that the optimal length of the bangs in your case - closing eyebrows.
Bangs and face sizes
If the face is small, then the volume long bangs make it even smaller. Perhaps, to create a different image, this is the most it, but in Everyday life still prefer small and lightweight bangs to the eyebrows, with thinning.
But big face there is where to roam!
Bangs and face shape
If your face is round or wide, you will go a long bang, laid on its side, or oblique bangs.
Uzkolitsym very thick bangs.
The face is square, rectangular, wide cheekbones - in order to visually soften the face, choose a rare but long bang.
How to lay bangs
No laying does not do without laying means. For styling bangs choose one thing:
Mousse or foam gel, wax - it is better to use if you do not wear a hat, otherwise the hair will begin to get fat.
So, processed bangs packing means . Now we take a hair dryer and dry it from top to bottom, at the same time combing and giving the desired shape. For example, you can comb the bangs to the side, or twist the tip of the edge of a comb.
If you want the bangs to keep the shape as long as possible, dry it a little longer, and at the end pour cold air (if your hairdryer is equipped with a similar mode). Keep in mind that every day you can not dry your hair this way - such aggressive drying spoils them.
Makeup under a long thick bangs
If you decide to wear fashionable thick bangs, your eyebrows may not be visible because of her. Use special eyebrow kits and make them brighter and clearer - especially for owners of rare eyebrows.
If you choose a long thick bang, keep in mind that the eyes focus not on the eyes, but on the lips! So make sure your lips look the right way.
Thick bangs in the people are often called French, and the popularity of this hairstyle is simply explained by the fact that it can make a face more noticeable and bright. No wonder thick bangs are so popular among celebrities. Many girls consider the image in which there is such a bang, really sexy.
Earlier, thick bangs were worn exclusively by children and teenagers, but now such an element of haircut has become in demand among women different ages , because this hairstyle has the uniqueness and the best features.
Bangs is exactly the element of hair, which allows you to adjust the main flaws of the face and visually change its shape. But if you choose the wrong hairstyle, then the overall appearance may be spoiled, and the hairstyle will serve not to the good, but to the detriment. Therefore, it is very important to have information about what type of person will fit thick bangs.
Features bangs
It is not a secret for anyone that beautiful thick bangs can give the look maximum expressiveness, and also make the image more sensual. So, with this hairstyle you can safely go on a romantic date or a business interview. Experienced hairdressers recommend cutting thick bangs from the top of the head, and in the middle of the forehead it should break off as if suddenly. It is quite difficult to make such a haircut on your own, so it’s best to contact a specialist.
In order to get the hairstyle of your dreams, you should pay attention to the varieties of thick bangs, because it, like any bang, can be straight, torn or oblique, and can also have different length Which is selected depending on certain features of your face. Only with the right choice of hair style you can get a great result and feel great.
Who is suitable thick bangs
This bang is best suited for hair owners. dark color , and on blondes she just gets lost. It should also be remembered that thick bangs visually reduces the face, so the owners large face it will fit perfectly, but if you have a broad face or just a little one, then it is better to give it up.
But you can experiment, making it in this case is not direct, but say, torn. If you have thin hair, thick bangs will be an excellent option. She will make her hair more lush, and if you are the owner of curly hair, you can make yourself thick oblique bangs.
If you choose a thick bang, then you need to make sure that the makeup was discreet, because in this case it is the bang that will attract the attention of others. In this case, the following type of make-up will be an excellent option: clearly marked eyebrows, eyes that are drawn in pencil and so on.
In general, with the right choice, thick bangs will suit every girl, the most important thing is not to try to do this hairstyle yourself, but to turn to a specialist. It will help you choose the shape and type, and also give you a few practical advice on laying.
All about laying
After washing your hair, it is necessary to dry the hair with a hair dryer, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to put your hair on. It is very important that there is no natural drying . For styling, you will need a nozzle "nozzle", and at the same time you need to turn on the hair dryer at high power.
The bangs fit with a paddle-shaped flat brush, with this you need to raise the hair at the roots and direct the air stream at them. After that, you need to put the hair on your left side, and then - on the right. And again it is necessary to carry out the drying process. Thus, you get a great result, which will greatly delight you and make you feel perfect.
It is also possible to carry out laying without the hair dryer which will become ideal option in the presence of an oblique bang. So, for this you will need to do a little stuffed, and use hairspray. Lay the bangs on your own, and most importantly - with such a hairstyle do not need to be afraid to experiment.
Make a horizontal parting and divide the bang into two parts. The upper part is fixed with a barrette, and the lower part at this time is laid with a hairdryer. Need to dissolve top part and lay in the same way. So, you will get an incomparable image and the most important thing is a wonderful mood that will give you a step into a new life. Do not be afraid to change, because the changes will make you brighter and saturate your life with wonderful emotions.
Bangs to the eyebrow line
What just do not have bangs in modern fashion. Straight, slanting, torn, short ... Today you can find many different elements of hairstyles, each of which has an impact on the final image and gives the face certain features.
Consider the option of thick bangs to the eyebrow line. To whom will it become an ideal element of the image, and which girls should abandon it altogether? The fact is that the choice of ideal bangs is dependent on the structure of the hair and on their many features.
It should be noted that it is for the bang in question that the structure should have rigidity, that is, the hair should be smooth, not curly, and so on. Straight bangs - this is exactly the hairstyle that can perfectly lie on the coal face shape, as well as become simply indispensable.
If your face has a rounded shape, then the severity can cause behind such features as a heavy chin, large lips, pronounced cheekbones, big nose and so on. As a rule, such bangs have a wonderful combination with dark hair and white skin, and also it can perfectly fit red hair. If you correctly approach the choice of the form of a bang, you may not regret it, because it will turn out to be simply beautiful.
Choose your own image to feel great and get all the best features that can make you better. Therefore, if you are able to correctly choose your own hairstyle, you will achieve the best results and become an icon of style.
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Thick bangs - this is one of the elements of hair, which is able to correct many of the shortcomings of the face, as well as give the girl a new stylish image . On modern photos it is clearly seen that women with such variations of bangs are more often attractive, graceful, and most importantly, strong personalities. And what other qualities do women need in our time?
Immediately it is worth noting that thick bangs are not suitable for all girls — most often it is used to form the image of brunettes and brown-haired women. But the blonde ladies from her should be abandoned, because she just lost in the blond hair.
Experts say: the density of bangs can reduce the face, which means that it is ideal suitable for women with an elongated, rectangular and oval face. Girls with a wide face of this option is better to give up.
Thick bangs - how to do?
Many modern women more than once asked the question: how to make bangs thicker? Today, to give it density, you can use two options:
- styling;
- a haircut.
The first option - laying can be done independently at home. To do this, you will need a styling varnish, a round hairbrush and some free time. The plus of “independent” thick bangs is that you can alternate it with hairstyles and outfits, having made both slanting and straight bangs.
For women with thin hair This styling is a great option to give your hair pomp and a certain chic. Curly bearers can also decorate any hairstyle with such a bang that will not only look spectacular, but will also visually reduce the face, making it more attractive.
The second option to create density bangs - haircut. It can be done at any barber shop. The main thing is to be sure that it will suit your type of person, and also you will be able to constantly lay it on your own.
What is thick bangs
In our time, this option bangs divided into several types:
- Thick long bangs. For such a bang you need to carefully choose a hairstyle, much depends on the length of the hair and facial features. Thick does not fit women with high forehead and wide cheekbones. The fact is that with its help you can visually remove the "weight" of the wide chin, as well as slightly "shorten" the long Oval face . It is recommended to use long puffy bangs high and large women , as they are not suitable for miniature ladies with a broad face - they will only give it weight.
The secret of the long thick bangs is that it fits any haircut, whether it is magnificently lying or pinned hair. - Thick straight bangs. This option is part of the page: with her face acquires youth and grace. In addition, it allows you to make expressive eyes and emphasizes the cheekbones. It is perfect for round face , especially if you make it layered. You can straighten it with a special ironing. Thick this season is very fashionable and popular, so you can see numerous photos with a wide variety of hairstyles, both for long and short hair.
- Thick oblique bangs. This variation is perfect for rectangular and square face . She will give a woman a special charm and hide many flaws in her face. In addition, it ideally emphasizes the beauty of the eyes, eyebrows and nose. Hairstyles suitable oblique bangs: Thick is able to change any type of face - that is why many ladies choose it for their daily image. It should be noted that it is necessary to stack it in stages - only then you will be able to achieve a light and beautiful hairstyle.
As mentioned earlier, it is long hair that adorn this variation of bangs. Therefore, the fair sex trying to choose her, with long chic curls. Thick bangs for long hair is the perfect complement to any style of clothing. She will easily be able to emphasize the nature of the girl, regardless of her style of clothing.
Haircuts variations
Haircuts with thick bangs should be selected depending on the type of person. It is important to note that suitable haircuts for her quite a lot:
- haircut cascade;
- ladder;
- quads;
- straight haircut.
Each option contains its own "flavor", which is the main attribute of any hairstyle. If you have not yet decided which haircuts with thick bangs will suit you the most, we advise you to turn to professionals or hairdressers who will help you not only to choose your future style, but also “bring it to life”.
Immediately it should be noted that you need to choose the type of bangs after you decide what kind of haircut you will do. The fact is that a lot depends on the length of the hair: for example, oblique bangs will not work long hair , and the straight line - different in length.
Today you can find a huge number of hairstyles suitable for thick bangs. But it is important to note that each type of hair needs special hair styling:
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And what other qualities do women need in our time?
Thick bangs - how to do?