How to shave the groin of a woman at home. How to shave groin girl? The details and details of intimate hair removal
- Will forest time ever return?
- Read the topic: Cosmetics for men?
- Popular methods
- Ways to remove hair in the bikini area
- Shaved, even if she was not born
Most women spend a lot of effort to achieve perfect smoothness in the bikini area. And only a few prefer natural beauty. So fanatical desire to say goodbye to excess hair in the "piquant" places, due to several factors.
How to shave a bikini area so that there is no irritation? Why is it accepted in society that women remove their hair from the intimate zone? What unpleasant consequences are waiting for girls with improper shaving? We will try to answer all these questions!
They were the dumbest razor since they took us one by one. It was a disgusting, humiliating procedure when you walked naked, only in the hospital “angel”, which stretched to the lower back and returned back to my back, back to my bed, often between the nursing cordon and the doctors.
Today, he says, all female genitalia are disinfected before delivery, so it does not matter if she has hair. True, one thing is an advantage when a woman is shaved during childbirth. If the dam breaks, it is easier for surgeons to sew when they see it well, and when it has no hair, the gynecologist adds.
Firstly, 90% of men prefer women who have a well-groomed intimate zone (everything is clean shaved or has a haircut), and for us the opinion of the stronger sex plays a significant role. Secondly, if you do not shave this area, it is simply impossible to wear thongs and lace underwear. Thirdly, summer is coming soon and it is unlikely that other people will like the “natural beauty” of a woman sticking out of the bottoms. So the fact that the hair from the spicy area is better to remove, you can not even doubt.
Will forest time ever return?
Like everything, hair is now fashionable. And be careful: this is not any modern debauchery. Even in the time of Cleopatra, women treated their hair, for example, with henna coloring. Cosmetics, however, agree that the current depilatory fashion will still take several years. Because it is practical, and as some women say, they can enjoy sexual pleasure. They perceive more partners than if there is a barrier to hair between their bodies.
Read the topic: Cosmetics for men?
Therefore, if something changes in the future, it is more likely that they will be in fashion colors for the natural and creation of many geometric shapes from the hair, and not return full thickets. However, in order to preserve a naked and practical parade as long as possible, it is good to follow certain rules.
Popular methods
You can remove hair from the body different ways :, creams, laser, and, of course, a razor. On the latter method, we dwell in more detail. Its advantage over other methods is its inexpensive cost. But the drawback - in its fragility. The procedure will have to be repeated in a few days, depending on how fast your hair grows.
If you shave alone, do it very carefully, every incision in the genital area heals for a long time, and there is a risk of infection. It is better to ask a partner to work together to make a funny erotic prelude from the shaving process. It is best to entrust the depilation to professionals in the beauty salon, which is not very cheap or painless, but the result is worth it. If you do not eat it, you will be rewarded with itchy acne until the morning. Thus, clean the skin every time you shave without alcohol-containing drugs that stretch the pores and prevent the hair from licking and itching. Doctors or pharmacists will help you the best.
- And most importantly - the effect is long, the salon saves you many hours of work.
- In any case, remember that the bare, shaved skin of the genitals is extremely vulnerable.
You speak as trite as a leg of shaving.
So that after shaving in the intimate area there is no irritation, you should know some points.
Go responsibly to the selection of the razor. It can be a disposable machine or a razor with replaceable cartridges.
But you also know dry skin after shaving or even burning and redness. And, of course, you have already noticed that sometimes your legs can last two days, and sometimes you have a feeling in a few hours that the hair grows almost right in front of your eyes.
How then a razor, without an electric shaving machine, to shave the best and smoothest? You often start shaving right after you get in the shower to save time, or maybe you just don’t even think about it and don’t go. It is much better to stand in the shower or bath for at least fifteen minutes, during which the hair softens and their follicles open. Because of this, they go to shave much easier and more thoroughly, therefore at the very root, so that the legs are longer.
You can not take a man's razor!
Hair removal in the bikini zone is an intimate process and from a hygienic point of view, it is not correct to take someone else’s machine, this can lead not only to irritation, but also infection by microbes. The razor should indicate that it is intended for women.
To improve the process of hair removal, you can use special tools. These are gels and foams. Here you can borrow a male tool - nothing terrible will happen :). Shaving gel will soften hair, make shaving easier. You can not use soap for this procedure. It dries the skin too much and most likely causes you to severely cut yourself. Better use shampoo and shower gel.
Especially in the summer we leave our shaving legs until morning to go out with beautiful smooth skin. But after the evening shave it will be even more smooth. the hair around the hair will be darkened at night and not “open” in those places where the hair was. Worse, what we can do with our shaving legs is to wash it. This applies to irritated skin that can burn and blush for a few more days. If you think you should replace the foam with soap, do not do it. This is better simple, but you can also use hair conditioner as a replacement.
Take a shower before proceeding with the procedure. Steamed hairs will be easier to remove. If the hair is too long, and you carry out this procedure for the first time, it is better to pre-cut it with scissors a little.
We now turn directly to the process itself. Apply the gel to the entire area, wait a couple of minutes (he should have time to soften the hairs), take a steady position so that you do not accidentally fall in the shower, take a razor in your hand and start to remove hair. Shave better in the direction of hair growth, there will be less ingrown hairs. Movements must be calm, slow, do not hurry, otherwise you might cut yourself! After using a pubic razor once, rinse it with water.
It also ensures that the blade cleanses the skin smoothly without damaging it. If you do not want to stay with the foam or regularly forget to buy it, buy at least a shave, whose head is soaked in a gel that softens the skin. When you use it from time to time, because you went on vacation and forgot your usual homework, nothing happens. But for normal use, they are not exactly perfect. Most of them have only one blade, but four or five blades will remove your hair more reliably and softer.
A common mistake is that we do not often replace the machine with a new one, and then irritate the skin with dull blades, which, moreover, do not allow them enough. Ideally, we should give up the head as soon as we notice that it does not work as well as at the beginning, which is about ten applications.
After you have completed the entire procedure, be sure to wash yourself. clear water , so that in the intimate area there is no hair or shaving gel.
Wipe with a towel should be carefully, do not press on the skin, and then there will be irritation.
When the body is dry, apply a special cream. It has a softening effect, nourishes the skin, promotes healing of wounds and cuts. Do not use alcohol-based lotion.
Women tend to shave themselves first against the direction of hair growth, simply because they seem to lift their hair closer to the skin. The ideal thing is to move in the direction and, if you have a very sensitive skin , completely forget the opposite. If you have good gel or foam, you will see that your lower legs are rich in direction.
Do you also get hair hair and you do nothing? Get used to the day before shaving, do a thorough, which will save you from dead skin cells that grow hair. You can avoid this by simply shaving in the direction of growth. Men's shoes can not be better than the ladies, and you do not know how long your partner uses it, so you can hurt her, and this is not twice as hygienic.
In cosmetic stores you may be advised to buy funds. You need to use them twice a day. How effective are they? It is difficult to say, but stunning success can hardly be expected. Hair will still be, so that the razor still can not refuse.
Hair coloring in the intimate area, and a complicated haircut is best done in a professional salon.
While I, except for my legs and arms, shave everything, my girl shaves a shave. Far from a hippie, not an ethereal alternative being. At first, she looks like a normal modern girl. She just does not brit, because it is unnatural and does not look like a chicken. She just does not like bare skin.
For other impurities are settled and multiplied in the hair, and no one in their body wants to wear it. He does not own a razor blade and even refuses to cut his hair. At my request and the request, he replies that he is not the one who will obey his partner in everything and deny himself, just like another.
Now you know how to carry out this procedure to avoid the appearance of unpleasant consequences. Take care of this area and then you will not only feel more confident, but also surely impress your young man.
ps If you do not want to entrust this procedure to professionals, you can go to the salon and remove hair in an intimate place with the help of laser hair removal or. About all kinds intimate hair removal can read.
Doesn't she care that she is the only one on the street, and who is not? A glance at the overgrown wedge pushes me away, and does not attract me. Or instead, shave if you prefer hair? Or next to someone terribly fat, when you like skinny bodies? Or next to a dirty stick, if you prefer women in your body? In short, do you like what you do almost badly from some parts of your partner's body? What does it look dirty? Will you try to convince him to change because of you, or will you save his personality and release him soon?
Or will you try to get used to it, and your eyelids closed your eyes forever? She, too, regularly makes similar screams, just in the opposite sense. I always tell me that a shaved and trimmed guy is not a guy, it’s not normal when my hair doesn’t crack your hair, and it’s normal when a guy stinks a little, so don’t talk about hygiene. This is the problem that we will focus on in this article. I hope you enjoy it and take something.
To date, no one is surprised by the words "hair removal" or "depilation." Girls used to take care of themselves, including the bikini area. But sometimes irritation and redness of the skin appear. About how to avoid this, and will be discussed.
Ways to remove hair in the bikini area
To date, methods of hair removal are very many. Even the procedure itself can be divided into several options - depilation and epilation. Depilation is hair removal, which in addition to the length of the hair also removes the subcutaneous part of the hair. Thus, the hair stops growing in this treated area. Epilation is hair removal that does not affect the hair follicles, leaving them deep in the skin. This kind of less long-term. Therefore, after a few years, most girls get tired of constantly taking care of the bikini area, and they prefer to permanently get rid of their hair with the help of depilation.
Landmarks and information: We have parchment all over the body. We even have a faint odor on our faces. Every day we see an average of 100 hairs, but more and more new ones grow. On our bodies, it is sometimes possible to find the white of most hard hair, this is the shape. remnants of tactile hair.
Sharpness is not a recent trend about perfectly smooth bodies that are taken care of by the Greeks or Egyptians. We have eyebrows and eyelashes, so that various dirt and dust do not fall into our eyes. Without hair it was cold on my head. And other hairs also protect us from the cold, but also help us sweat from the body.
Depilation is carried out only in salons, since at home it is impossible to completely get rid of the subcutaneous part of the hair. But the means for hair removal in the shops now so much that it can be safely carried out at home.
Shaving is the oldest way. But the cheapest and most understandable. In addition, for pregnant women there are no contraindications. The biggest disadvantage of such an impact on the hair - irritation during shaving. And when removing hair in the deep bikini zone, working with a razor is very difficult. It is better to refuse such an idea.
There is no suitable age for shaving. But it's good to talk to your mom or sister, and they will tell you what and how. But before you start, you should understand that as soon as you start, you will no longer be able to stop, and you will have to shave constantly, because your hair will still grow. In addition, the hair becomes darker and thicker.
For some of us, shaving is associated only with the custom of Sunday of our dad, but also with women. Women usually have legs, underarm hair, and sometimes arms. Some older women even shave their mustache - dark hair around their lips. There are two ways to remove hair. Shave the visible part of the hair. Epilation then breaks the hair root, which is very painful. Before shaving the skin should be moistened. The perfect shave in the shower, where the hair becomes softer and easier to remove. This is bad for shaving, because the skin is very irritating, and an unpleasant rash appears.
Lotions and creams are a relatively simple way. It is very easy to choose the right tool for your wallet. Many creams are designed for sensitive skin. Also, some of them contain components that slightly slow down hair growth. Before use, it is best to test for allergies.
Waxing - so called in salons wax epilation . Some have suggested that Cleopatra herself used this method. The main disadvantage of such a procedure is pain. Girls with high pain threshold will be very difficult to endure all the "torture". But, wax guarantees the clearest epilation, than any other means.
It is better to use gel or foam for shaving. Legs better to shave in the direction of hair growth, top to bottom. This prevents the hair from becoming thicker and removing the hair around the roots. Then you can shave in the opposite direction. In the armpit, the direction is not important, because the hair grows in all directions. After shaving, treat your skin with some moisturizer. You prevent itching and dry skin.
One tip at the end: Do not use an antiperspirant or deodorant on a newly shaved armpit. After use, the shaved skin will split and an unpleasant rash will occur. Go to the discussion Discussion of the article. Quote from the article: But before you start, you need to understand that as soon as you start, you will no longer be able to stop, and you will have to constantly shave, because your hair will grow anyway, and your hair will become darker and thicker.
Electrolysis - the procedure is carried out only in the salons. It is even more painful than waxing. But you can get rid of hair once and for all. In addition, there are no restrictions due to the color of the skin or hair. It is worth noting that the cost of this procedure is quite high.
Shaving intimate places before childbirth - a commitment that does not particularly care for many women, but many already emphasize. It must be said that often unnecessarily. In most maternity hospitals, they are very friendly with regard to shaving and largely control the desires of women. Of course, there are cases when the parent aside, but this is only in the case of imperial cuts - there must be a shaven “ancestor” because the hairline is cut. Otherwise, it usually depends on the agreement.
Shaved, even if she was not born
Perhaps you are one of the women who are “there below”, both by themselves and voluntarily, although they are not born, therefore, shaving your close parts before the birth does not pose a big problem. Or you just can’t handle it - this is hair, and when he shaves, he grows again, you think. You shave in everything, and you do not even think about it. A few steps and done, you can go home.
You can choose for yourself any method of hair removal.
It is necessary to prepare for hair removal in advance
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Read the topic: Cosmetics for men?
How to shave a bikini area so that there is no irritation?
Why is it accepted in society that women remove their hair from the intimate zone?
What unpleasant consequences are waiting for girls with improper shaving?
Will forest time ever return?
Read the topic: Cosmetics for men?
How then a razor, without an electric shaving machine, to shave the best and smoothest?
Do you also get hair hair and you do nothing?
How effective are they?