Adaptation kitty. Or a kitten in a new house
You planning to purchase or just bought a Kuril bobtail kitten ? Then you will not hurt to read about the adaptation of the kitten in the new house .
The kitten will have to get used to everything in the new house, things, sounds and smells in order not to be frightened of them in the future, to get used to you and “your routine of the day. " This is called adaptation . Very small kittens are not afraid of almost anything, which means that it is during this period that the pet needs to gain as much experience as possible. Most kittens are too inquisitive, so make sure the kitten is safe when exploring the area.
The kitten must first study only one room and understand that this is his house. The room should contain a bowl of food to which he was accustomed (learn about this from the breeder), a bowl of water, and a toilet tray, which he probably will soon begin to look for.
Sit down on the haunches next to the carrier and quietly call the kitten by the name to which he has become accustomed. Surely he at the same time mumbles plaintively. Answer him with a quiet, calm voice to which the kitten will quickly get used.
As soon as the kitten dares to get out of the carrier, it means that he has overcome the first fear. At first, he, however, will slowly and carefully crawl on his stomach and hide under a sofa or wardrobe, but this is normal behavior of a cat in a new, unfamiliar environment. Do not let the first time to kitten other pets and children.
The kitten should get used to you. Stroking him, play and talk with him - then he will quickly arise and strengthen confidence and affection for the new owner.
Note. Do not forget that the kitten will now follow you on the heels, run under your feet, climb on you, not realizing that closing doors can be deadly for him. Move around the room very carefully. Such a small creature out of pure curiosity can be in the most unpleasant situation, so keep it constantly in sight.
Physical contact is very important to establish a friendly relationship with your cat. If you take the cat in your arms or carry it, you should give it the opportunity to take the position in which it feels most comfortable and to talk to it in a soothing tone. Relentless and intractable cats are very rare. Try to understand what your cat loves, what kind of attention signs she likes - scratching behind the ear, stroking her head, combing her tummy. Take your cat in your hands only when she wants it, never use force and do not make sudden movements that scare her.
Places that can be ironed:
Chest and ears
Some cats like to be stroked on the chest and scratched behind the ears.
Neck and back
A relaxed cat will love it when they stroke her neck and back.
Do not iron the cat's stomach and hind legs if you are not sure that she likes it.
Most cats love when the owner strokes their heads. Check with the breeder or the previous owner of the kitten, what diet he is accustomed to (number of feedings per day, clearly measured doses or “free” portions, what kind of food the kitten received). If you want to change its diet, you should make the transition gradually over a week. A gradual transition will reduce the risk of thinning the stools or diarrhea, which is very dangerous for the kitten's health .
Never give him food from your table, as you teach him to beg and steal. In addition, it can cause an imbalance in the diet and, later on - obesity.
Always make sure that the kitten has fresh water, and that he has the opportunity to quietly eat.
The first separation, the first acquaintance with loneliness, the first night can be very difficult for your new pet.
First of all, you have to decide: do you want your kitten to sleep with you or do you prefer to have your own bedroom? If you don’t even think that the kitten can sleep with you, you must be adamant from the very first night. It usually takes 3-4 days to study.
If you buy a kitten , you must ask the previous owner if the baby has been trained in using the toilet tray. As a rule, a two-month kitten is already accustomed to mother-cat to be clean. You need to find out the brand of filler, to which he was accustomed, and buy the same tray. You can take a little filler from the bath, which he used before. The familiar smell will help the kitten to correctly navigate the new place.
The kitten is small and inexperienced , and you must first make sure that it does its business in the tray. As soon as the baby starts to fuss, finely touch the paws, squat, dig in the wrong place, take it to the toilet box and make sure that it is used. Praise him, caress.
If the kitten is "wrong", do not scold him. Thoroughly wash the stained place and wipe with vinegar (you cannot use ammonia, bleach, turpentine). In pet stores sell special odor neutralizers, they are very convenient and non-toxic. You can not frighten the baby, you have to show patience and perseverance.
How to teach a kitten to use the device for sharpening claws
Several times a day bring the kitten to the post, especially after sleeping. When the cat wakes up, they first of all drown and “sharpen” their claws. For the same reason, place the bar closer to the sleeping area.
Each time a kitten begins to scratch a carpet, furniture or wall, stop it and move it to the post. Rub the bollard with catnip (catnip) - the smell will attract the kitten.
Encourage a kitten for an exemplary behavior, and if you scold him, do not immediately carry to the post. The bar should cause the baby only pleasant sensations.
During the training period, the places that the kitten is trying to scratch must be closed. For this purpose, suitable durable film, plastic, adhesive tape (cats do not like sticky objects).
You can rub the orange peel problem areas, and if you leave the house, then tie the peel to the scratching point.
The harshest shout “Fu!” Or “No!” Should be the most severe punishment for the kitten. Be consistent and persistent.
Cats of the Kuril Bobtail breed are very mobile and active . What can we say about the kittens Kuril bobtail .... Kittens are hyperactive. Therefore, you must take care that the kitten has a space where you can play, scramble and jump. Good high kogtetochka (bought in the store, and better done with your own hands (so safer, and having fantasized, you will make it so that it fits perfectly into your interior)) will be the best and most convenient place for active games, splashing out excess energy and help avoid scratches in places that are not laid.
Good luck with your choice! Let you and your chosen kitten everything goes well. The main thing is to love your pet and remember - no matter what kitten you choose, taking it you are responsible for it!
“We are forever responsible for those who have been tamed.” (Saint-Exupéry)
Everyone who bought kitty in our Kurilian bobtail kennel “Star of the Kuriles” full consulting support from the moment of reservation of the kitten and moving to your house, to ........ (to infinity) on an ongoing basis. Before the baby moves to you, we’ll tell you everything: what he likes, how he likes to sleep, what he likes to play, what are his eating habits ....
You can choose the smoker cat for purchase in the section “ Kittens for you "
First of all, you have to decide: do you want your kitten to sleep with you or do you prefer to have your own bedroom?