Who is ambidexter or left-handed and right-handed
The word "ambidextr" originated a long time ago. It came to us from the Middle Ages. Warriors who knew how to fight with left and right hands were called. The value of this skill was great - the chances of winning increased, because the warriors could fight with two swords at the same time. It is difficult to say whether they developed this skill themselves, through hard training, or this ability they had from birth, but it is since that word appeared.
Many will ask themselves the question: "This is a feature inherent or developed by training." Scientists say that children from birth are all ambidexters. And only under the influence of parents, they lose the ability to hold both hands to the same extent. The spoon is shifted to the right hand of the child, they are also taught to write with the right hand. Somewhere in four years, the child loses the ability to equally possess both hands.
And what's wrong with that? Nothing. It’s just that the child develops more of the left brain. It is responsible for logic. And the right one, which is responsible for feelings, emotions and intuition, develops less.
If the hemispheres work equally and harmoniously, then this state of the brain is called ambidexterity. Such people are well developed sensuality and intuition. At the same time, they have an analytical mindset. As a rule, such people are endowed with a special talent. Famous ambidexters: artist Leonardo da Vinci, guitarist Jimmy Hendrix, academician Andrei Sakharov, American politician Benjamin Franklin, engineer-physicist Nikola Tesla, American actor Tom Cruise, compiler of the explanatory dictionary Vladimir Dal.
Despite the fact that ambidexterity is a congenital feature, some of the unique qualities can be worked out with a great desire. It trains the brain.
Want to try? Take a pencil in two hands, at the same time draw a circle - with one hand and a square - with the other. Then complicate the task, start drawing complex geometric shapes. Another effective exercise for training is to do all the usual things with your left hand (if you are right handed). Start writing with the hand you never wrote. Exercises are simple, but effective.
Ambidexstra born. The fact that over time people can write or take objects with their right hand does not make them right-handed. They have a different brain function. These people think “ambidextral,” that is, in images. For this reason, little children are difficult in primary school. There is not supposed to be a figurative form of mastering the material. The child ambidexter will begin to read later than the other children, it will be difficult for him to learn and remember the rules, because he cannot imagine it and therefore cannot understand it.
It is very difficult for Ambidextra to teach a foreign language. This is a difficult period for parents, for teachers and, of course, for the child himself. In high school it will become a little easier, but with abstract concepts there will be problems. It is difficult for such children to determine quickly where the right and where is left are the directions of the world relative to each other. They also do not always navigate the terrain. But as for mathematics, that's all right. They consider slowly but rarely wrong. Everything that they can imagine in their imagination is easy for them.
A big plus of ambidexters is that they can do several things without tension at the same time. Watching news on TV, reading a book and doing some household chores is quite normal for them. But concentrating on something alone is difficult for them. Children can not do one thing for a long time, they often take off and do something for themselves. And this is a problem, especially when the child is small. The children are not very diligent, and ambidexters are doubly so. This can be an obstacle in learning.
In childhood, Ambidextra can be easily identified by all these signs. They don't care what hand to do. Here they differ from left-handers and right-handers. But they take the example of parents, their instructions, and will do as they do. Ambidextras are not conflicting, although they are easily annoyed and unbalanced. It’s impossible to say whether it’s a plus or a minus, it’s just what it is. And this must be considered.
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